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Cool off Questions

Below are open-ended questions intended to put candidates’ minds at ease. There are no right answers here.

Although, Be prepared to talk about your past projects and how you approached solving various challenges.

Recent works

What is a cool project that you’ve recently worked on?

💡 Tip

Not Available

Tools you use

What are some things you like about the developer tools you use?

💡 Tip

talk about Vscode, pyCharm, Git, postman etc


Who inspires you in the front-end community?

💡 Tip

Could be a YouTuber, friend, or relative. Discuss how their actions or the impact they have on their projects inspire you.

Side projects

Do you have any pet projects? What kind?

💡 Tip


Recent learnings

What did you learn yesterday/this week?

💡 Tip


What excites you

What excites or interests you about coding?

💡 Tip:

Coding is infinitely scalable work

Recent technical challenge

What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?

💡 Tip:

Where did you got stuck last week, technically ?